Ready to Spice up your Sex Life?

Maybe you and your spouse started out having great sex on a regular basis. It might have been spontaneous, playful, energetic, and enjoyable. But over time, with hectic routines, kids to care for, and careers to balance, your sex life has suffered. Are you having sex less often? When you do have sex is it routine and unimaginative? Has the romance and adventure slipped away as the years have gone by? Many marriages suffer when the sex becomes rote and predictable or just doesn’t happen as often. Sexual intimacy is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy, happy marriage. Psychologist Colette Segalla joins us to teach us about how to re-vitalize your sex life and improve your satisfaction with sex and your marriage.

Colette Segalla is a psychologist with Lepage Associates in Durham, NC. Colette has extensive training and experience working with people of all ages, with special training in the field of adult relationships. She has used her integrated approach to help lots of couples on both their individual and relationship problems in order to improve their relationships. To find out more about Colette, or to book an appointment, visit or call 919-570-0000.

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