How to Stay Connected as We Grow Our Family

Have you become disconnected with your spouse after having children?

Everyone always says that there’s never enough time in the day, especially after starting a family. Whether you have work deadlines, social commitments, or family responsibilities, we all wish there were more time in the day to complete all the tasks in our to-do list. When you are in a marriage you have commitments and responsibilities to each other to tend to as well. However, when you decide to extend your family, some of those needs get put on the back burner or sacrificed all together. You may lose that attraction and connection to your spouse that once brought you so close together. What steps can you take to rekindle that connection and attraction to bring you and your spouse back together?

Earning his Master’s Degree in Counseling with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Mr. Tony Delmedico is founder of a private practice in Raleigh, North Carolina. Mr. Delmedico has researched and written about the depths of fatherhood and writes a monthly blog for Carolina Parent about this trials and tribulations of parenting entitled “Go Ask Your Dad.” Mr. Delmedico works with children, individuals and couples to relieve suffering and improve relationships.

To find out more about Mr. Tony Delmedico and his practice you can visit their website or call (919) 623-8118 for an appointment.

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