
Does it seem like the most serious arguments you and your partner have are always rooted in the same few things? Are you at your wit’s end from having the same arguments over and over?

Dr. Tina Tessina returns to the show to talk about her book Money, Sex, and Kids: Stop Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. She explains how some of those constant stresses in life can turn into big stresses on your marriage, and what you can do about it.

Tina is a licensed psychotherapist in California with over thirty years of counseling experience. She’s written over a dozen books, and hosts a radio show and a relationship blog. You can find her only at, and her book Money, Sex, and Kids can be purchased from Amazon.

Do either you or your partner have anxieties about your relationship?  Are you uncomfortable getting too close?  The way you each feel and behave in your relationship may actually be linked to your individual attachment styles.

Psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Amir Levine joins us to talk about the the theory behind Attached, a new book about adult attachment theory that he co-authored with Rachel S. F. Heller.  Amir is a graduate of Columbia University with his own practice in Manhattan, and is presently working at Columbia as a Principal Investigator on a research project sponsored by the National Institute of Health.

Attached can be purchased online from Amazon or from any major bookseller.  You can find out more about the book and about Amir by visiting

Are the expectations we put on our spouse to blame for the disintegration of intimacy and connectedness? Do you consider yourself a victim of your spouse’s unreasonable behavior, or are you simply bored of your spouse?

Dr. Judith Sherven and Dr. Jim Sniechowski join us to talk about why many people are so quick to abandon a relationship, what factors contribute to that behavior, and what you can change in your marriage to turn around your relationship, as well as the obvious aphrodisiac that most couples overlook.

Drs. Judith and Jim have been married for 22 years and are the authors of 5 bestselling books on marriage and relationships. Be sure to visit their website, for more relationship advice and information about their books.