
What’s the best way to support a spouse with anxiety?

Anxiety can be crippling at times. So what happens when one partner in a relationship or marriage is affected by it? What happens within the relationship? Anxiety can not only impair the life of the person afflicted, but also the life of the non-afflicted partner.

Today, we’re joined by Kate Thieda from KKJ Forensic and Psychological Services. Kate is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate and National Certified Counselor. Kate lives in Durham, NC, and when she’s not helping couples with issues in their marriages, she can usually be found with her partner Annette, running, stand-up paddle boarding, or driving around town in her vintage Corvette.

Kate is the author of, Loving Someone With Anxiety, and is an expert in how anxiety can lead to crippling problems in a relationship. She’s here today to help all of us understand how the loved ones of those suffering from anxiety can offer support in positive, encouraging ways and without creating bigger problems.

Kate’s book can be found on Amazon or at your local Barnes & Noble retailer.

To find out more about Kate and her practice, visit their website or call (919) 493-1975 to schedule an appointment.

The great paradox of wealth… As the money increases, do happiness and satisfaction increase too?

Despite the wonderful things money can provide, there is also a great deal of responsibility that comes with teaching and maintaining good moral standing with regard to wealth. Society has taught us that having a lot of money paves the way for increased power, higher social standing and a comfortable life. Unfortunately, however, complications arise when couples and families have a lot of money but fail to model and teach things like ethics, boundaries and respect for consequences.

Oftentimes, entitlement, depression, anxiety and substance abuse are strongly correlated with increases in wealth, and according to our guest Rob Danzman, a systemic type of narcissism can even develop as an outward family value.

Rob is the owner and clinical director of Fonthill Counseling in Chapel Hill, NC. With more than a decade of experience helping families work out difficult issues like substance abuse, mental illness and academic problems, Rob has seen his fair share of complicated. The good news is, Rob has solutions for some of these issues and is joining us to share pointers on building strong family values and goals.

To find out more about Rob and his practice, visit their website or call (919) 351-5838 to schedule an appointment.

Pets can be a source of joy, or a nightmare. Which kind of pet should you get, if any? How many is too many? Whose responsibility is it to take care of them?

The issues of pets are fairly easy to work out on your own, but when you and your spouse disagree about how many pets to have or what kind of pets to have or who will take care of them, then you might run into a whole lot of trouble. Should you be responsible for cleaning up after the dog your wife had from before you were married? Are your husband’s three cats driving you insane?

Today’s guest is Dr. Susan Orenstein, and she’s joining us to discuss how couples can come to an agreement on how to manage the pets they already have, and how to compromise on any desire for new furry friends. Susan says you can learn a lot about your partner by how he or she is with your pets or pets in general. For instance, if your partner is allergic to cats, the issue is about the cat. If your partner doesn’t think it’s important to make sure the dog gets a walk, you’re learning how he or she values animals; and if your partner is immune to your pet’s crying/pain, this could tell you how compassionate he or she is in general.

Susan is the Director of Orenstein Solutions in Cary, NC. Susan specializes in adult relationship issues and has worked extensively in treating couples and individuals

To find out more about Susan and her practice, visit their website or call (919) 428-2766 to schedule an appointment.