
Is it possible for a woman’s “feminine wiles” to conquer a battle of the sexes?

Relationships today are far different than they were a hundred, 50 and even 20 years ago. Our society has evolved so much in the past several decades that traditional gender roles – those that had been assumed since the dawn of time – have been all but discarded. With new roles for both men and women, new challenges keep cropping up.

We all know there are big biological and emotional differences between the sexes, which can cause relationship problems on their own – but what about the battle of the sexes? We hear about the battle of the sexes in the workplace, but we don’t really consider whether it overflows into personal lives. Does it have an impact on the ways men and women interact with each other, their relationship choices and ultimately, our society?

Who better to answer those questions than Kongit Farrell, a strategic life and relationship coach. She worked at Pacific Clinics for four years as a mental health therapist for clients with severe and persistent mental illness. Kongit is the author of She’s Worth the Chase: 10 Qualities Gamma Males Adore in the Women they Pursue and Marry and currently devotes her time to building her practice in Los Angeles.

To find out more about Kongit Farrell and her practice, iEvolve Transformational Services, you can visit their website or call 1-800-967-9416 for an appointment.