
Can you and your partner communicate without saying a word?

For couples dealing with relationship problems, in many ways, actions speak louder than words. Partners often want more attention and affection from each other, and a lack of such can make them feel misunderstood or neglected. Many couples will argue about the little things because they don’t know how to communicate the deeper issues. Oftentimes, relationship partners don’t realize that there can be a sacred level of communication between them that comes without saying a word.

When it comes to the verbal side of things, some couples get caught up on what they intended to say and the words they used, rather than understanding the impact of their non-verbal cues, like body language and tone of voice, and their actions.

Sometimes frustration finds a way to creep into these situations, and especially when couples feel that they’ve said everything they can to make a point. Today’s guest, Dr. Susan Orenstein, says there is a way to quell the anger and frustration that builds up. As a licensed psychologist and the director of Orenstein Solutions in Cary, NC, Susan sees a wide variety of these communication problems and strives to help couples improve their relationship without saying a word.

To find out more about Susan and her practice, you can visit their website or call (919) 428-2766 to schedule an appointment.