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Betty Phillips Psychology
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466 Eagle Point Road Pittsboro, NC
Specific directions to Dr. Phillips psychology office can be found on her website, The Forest Garden office is only 8 miles south of Chapel Hill/Carrboro.
North Carolina
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Harvard University
Insurance is accepted and filed by Dr. Phillips office.
One of Dr. Phillips areas of specialization is relationship and marriage counseling. She also specializes in helping couples deal with the challenge of infidelity. If a marriage cannot be saved, she has extensive experience in assisting families in dealing with separation and divorce. Dr. Phillips also provide individual therapy to adults including senior adults.
North Carolina Psychological Association; American Psychological Association
Dr. Phillips is also certified by the National Register of Psychologists. Additional background information can be found on her website including informative articles in the Reading Room and Advice Line sections of the website.
Marriage Counselor
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