My Profile

Tess Lineback
Profile Details
106-D Ridgeview Drive; Cary, NC
From US1 South,exit onto Cary Parkway,merge left onto parkway. Turn left at HighMeadow stoplight and complete u-turn onto opposite side of parkway. Turn right at the next street, Ridgeview Drive. Office address is 106-D
Masters in Education, NC State, 1989. National Certified Counselor,1991 ; Licensed Professional Counselor,1992.Certified Employee Assistance ; Professional,1997, Licensed Employee Assistance Professional,1998.
Contracted with most major insurance firms and EAP
Marital counseling, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, ADD and ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Substance abuse, Physical and sexual abuse
American Counseling Association, Employees Assistance Professionals Association, Internaltional Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, NC Licensed Professional Counselors
Work with children 6 years of age and up, adolescents, and adults. Consult with companies reqarding workkplace issues.
Marriage Counselor
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