
Do you have what it takes to be in a relationship?

When we’re unhappy, unsatisfied, or unfulfilled in a relationship it’s the never-ending fight. Like a game of tag, the blame keeps getting thrown back and forth from one spouse to the other. Angry outbursts are sparked by seemingly unrelated events. The topic of debate is slightly altered with each passing round, but the core issue of conflict never seems to get resolved.

As children we learned how to tie our shoes, as teenagers we learned how to drive a car, but as adults, who teaches us how to be in a relationship? There is no class in school that teaches us how to behave or what to do to make a relationship successful. When it comes to acting on feelings of the heart, how do we know what we’re doing is right? If divorce rates are any indicator of our relationship proficiency, it may be fair to say that we could all use a little helpful guidance in the love department.

Taking preventative measures to teach couples how to develop a mindful attitude and lifestyle; Dr. Nina Solanki created The Mindful Relationship and Lifestyle Program, a mindfulness-based relationship enhancement program for couples. Earning her Doctoral and Master’s degrees in Clinical Psychology Dr. Nina Solanki has and expansive background in the healthcare profession ranging from private practice to crisis centers and everything in between. These days, Dr. Solanki is a therapist with Lepage Associates in Durham, North Carolina incorporating her work and knowledge of mindfulness and its benefits in relationships into both individual and couples therapy.

To find out more about Dr. Nina Solanki or her program, The Mindful Relationship and Lifestyle Program, you can visit Lepage Associates online at or call (919) 572-0000 for an appointment.

What is the key to being mindful in your marriage?

The idea of mindfulness is to be present to ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and literally in the moment. Being mindful involves focusing on your breathing and thoughts rather than projecting yourself into the future with worries and anxiety. Sometimes it is much easier, mentally, to think about the what ifs– What if this happens? What if that happens? What if we break up? What if we can’t afford this? In turn, what becomes more challenging is staying in the present moment.

When life is plagued with disconnection and stress, things can get tough. More and more people are finding themselves running on autopilot, essentially. They are not fully and deeply present with themselves and each other. And sadly, a lot of people end up just accepting this as the inevitable. If couples can learn to develop skills for mindfulness, however, their communication, expression and intimacy abilities will flourish.

Today’s guest is Dr. Kevin Metz, a couples specialist with Lepage Associates, and he’ll be discussing some of the techniques for mindfulness that he teaches and encourages in relationships. While helping people get back to a positive place in their marriages, Kevin inspires a level of discipline and mindful awareness.

To find out more about Kevin and his practice, visit their website or call (919) 572-0000 to schedule an appointment.

Take a second to stop and think… Are you maintaining mindfulness today?

You might ask, well what does that mean exactly? The idea of mindfulness is to be present to ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and literally in the moment. Being mindful involves focusing on your breathing and thoughts rather than projecting yourself into the future with worries and anxiety. Even though it’s natural to look to the future and worry about what might happen or what could happen, it’s not the best tactic for your mind. Doing so can often lead you to forget about, or concentrate less on the current moment. The moment you’re living in.

When life is plagued with disconnection and stress, things can get tough. Oftentimes the first things to suffer are relationships and family ties… which is why mindfulness can be so important. If couples and families learn to develop these critical skills, their communication, expression and intimacy abilities can flourish. Instead of thinking and worrying about the next fight in your relationship or the next big trip or next month’s bills, take a second to stop, breath, and focus on mindfulness.

Our guest today, Dr. Roz Heiko of Pediatric & Family Psychology P.A. in Cary, NC, is here to discuss some of her healing and coaching techniques. In helping people get back to a positive place in their lives and relationships, Roz encourages and teaches a level of discipline and mindful awareness.

To find out more about Roz and her practice, visit her website or call (919) 858-9692 to schedule an appointment.